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Thursday 31 January 2013

Lauren and H.E.L.P!!;)

Lauren: I used to hate you. Whenever you came on you'd nag at me for gifts, wishys and autos,I blocked you and you old bestie, hmb2002. Just about a month ago I realised, give her another chance. I unblocked you and added you again. You were nicer than most people on msp. You said you were sorry and we got to talking. I realised we both had the same love for deals!! We did deals almost everyday for ages, you never scammed, lied or cheated. I gave away some of my most valued items, it wasn't a waste, even though your locked I'm glad they're with you, I know that they can't be scammed and I hope you and your backup get on alright. Ill love you forever, I'm so so so sorry I deleted you... You still are my bestie, don't quit.... Ill miss you sososososo much !!! Love Molly

I is writing big now. Ahaha I'm bored. Somebody mail me on msp. If ur mah friend, help me level up or deleted ;) lolo. Xx tyssm people that help, even a tiny bit get a wishy. Xx mail me how and if you helped xx even if ur not mah friend Idc all help needed xxx


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