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Wednesday 20 February 2013


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Okay wtf msp, I said idiot and wdf. I got locked for 24 hours for calling a wanker an idiot?
Would you prefer me to go and start calling people mother fuckers and bastards?
I don't think so, Idiot is a word, not mad a word.
I said idiot and if ur gonna lock me fine mother fuckers I don't give two!
All I wanna say is dont be surprised if I never buy VIP again, each time I've been VIP I've been locked and I'm fucking sick of wasting my fucking money so go fucking burn it hell....

Okay I was a bit unfair there but I mean, saying idiot and wdf really deserves to be banned for 2 full days?!!? Don't think so , all I'm saying is a disagree with your opinions and decisions a lot sometimes.

No hard feelings -______-


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