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Thursday 30 May 2013


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This is Skye! 

She's amazing! We've been mates since forever! And I love her to bits, because whenever I need help, or someone to confide in, I can trust her and I know she won't judge me! She's sooo pretty, and even nicer! I don't know what I'd do without her! I can log on, and she'll be on and ill be all like YAY :D 
(Not in a pedo way ;))
And ok, maybe I haven't know her as long as I've know a few of my other mates, but she's so kind and caring that I feel like I've known her all my life! 
Well, that's all :D if I were you, I'd add Skye and help her level up! Because she's so amazing, and so great, you'd be missing out on an amazing mate if you didn't!


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