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Friday, 31 May 2013

Hello everyone who looks at my blog is amazing bu not as amazing as potatoes! No Skye is amazing, I'm the amazing potatoe head, hang on how do you spell potatoe? I don't know I think it's potatoe but it could be Judgkfjjruf!! 

Skye ily<3

Ok, imma write a story it goes like this -
One day kids were walking home from school and they saw their dad but he had a carrot in his hair. They said m hungry and he gave them a comb to eat then they all died from food poisoning and they came to life again but as snowmen then they melted because it was summer. The ends.
That was my story! I hope you like it, it took me 2 minutes! The longest time EVER!
So I have been on msp recently, obviously and I'm so bored because I like to sing and dance and I'm a weirdo lapalalalalalal 
Omg my friend got chucked outa school for giving a boy a lap dance trolol
The valleys <3
I know all the ppl on the valleys look
Comment if you love the valleys I love it :D
I watch a song on YouTube and its funny its called 

Bye bye

~Moll <3

Thursday, 30 May 2013


(Click to enlarge)

This is Skye! 

She's amazing! We've been mates since forever! And I love her to bits, because whenever I need help, or someone to confide in, I can trust her and I know she won't judge me! She's sooo pretty, and even nicer! I don't know what I'd do without her! I can log on, and she'll be on and ill be all like YAY :D 
(Not in a pedo way ;))
And ok, maybe I haven't know her as long as I've know a few of my other mates, but she's so kind and caring that I feel like I've known her all my life! 
Well, that's all :D if I were you, I'd add Skye and help her level up! Because she's so amazing, and so great, you'd be missing out on an amazing mate if you didn't!


Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Imma back!♥

Hello my fellow munchkins! I've been through a rough technology ban recently :( and its all due to a secret so terrible I can't bear to think about it :/ so, I haven't updated for some time, eh? Lets change that!

On msp I have : more fame than last time ;), a new wifeey - skyegoth123
Also I've lost : a wifeey - choe cherry and my 3 best friends :(:(:(:(:(::(
Dramadancewrite/soph quit :'(
Abigail don't come on enough
And I never see susu!!
So there, some good and bad news!
Kk, imma bored so email me at -
Skype me at - Lara.loverxox
FaceTime/iMessage me at -

So, I'm out :( ill update soon, 
Ohhhh, btw, if u wanna feature on mah bloggie, email, msp or Skype or ANyTHIN me and I'll get a scrn shot and stuff xxxxxxx
