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Wednesday 20 February 2013


Click to enlarge.
Okay wtf msp, I said idiot and wdf. I got locked for 24 hours for calling a wanker an idiot?
Would you prefer me to go and start calling people mother fuckers and bastards?
I don't think so, Idiot is a word, not mad a word.
I said idiot and if ur gonna lock me fine mother fuckers I don't give two!
All I wanna say is dont be surprised if I never buy VIP again, each time I've been VIP I've been locked and I'm fucking sick of wasting my fucking money so go fucking burn it hell....

Okay I was a bit unfair there but I mean, saying idiot and wdf really deserves to be banned for 2 full days?!!? Don't think so , all I'm saying is a disagree with your opinions and decisions a lot sometimes.

No hard feelings -______-


Saturday 16 February 2013


Msp, your taking this too fucking far! Twice in one fucking week  im fucking annoyed I think you can fucking tell I am fucking too ;)
Yeah lol msp you can't do nothing on this blog, I can swear and curse you but I'm not, I'm only gonna swear and if u must know that little shit bag that I said it too was fucking annoying me and i have a really fucking short temper and you fucking doing this makes me wanna fucking kill you fuckin hell.

Fucking has now lost its meaning ;)

In the next post ill show about a retarder stalker that sent me fucked up messages ;)

A fucked off Molly ;)

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Chloe cherry ... Choe cherry ;)

Before I got banned, I took a snap shot of this amazing gurl, she's mah wifeey and she's amazeables! Her...
OMDG I'm back on msp!
Yay lol anyways.. ;)
Her name is choe cherry and I love her to pieces xxx


Tuesday 12 February 2013

Locked :L

Guys I am so sorry. I think I can log in again.. 43 years ago :'( I will miss you all and I'm so sorry but if you want add me on my back up !!! Molly !!!
I will miss you all.. Thanks for being there for me, somebody tell cindy1324 I'm so so sorry about our argument...
Bye guys
If I don't get my account back I guess I will delete the blog and all my msp accounts... :(

Sunday 10 February 2013


I agree with everything she said apart from the idol bit because I dont know who they are, because I go oh the app, those of you msp users who do too know how it cuts of half what other people are saying which is really annoying!! Farron did have another 'idol' but I forgot who :x so ill post on the next update :) 



Friday 8 February 2013


Dont trust this girl!! Cindy was making all sorts of sh*t deals with Katie and then lying to me!!!! Also, when she said 'so yur gonna get a greeting and I'm gonna get noting?' I pointed out 'no, ur gonna gt trashy frills!!! And also yu don't have to be mean!!!' So she didn't reply

Then later she put 'I know Katie is ur acc, I'm not dumb' so I put 'Hunnish if you think Katie is mah acc no offence then you ARE dumb!! Why would I have level 10 nothing and level 8 judge? If I wanted VIP I'd buh it on Lara, not Katie Hun, and I can't anyway because she ain't my acc, bffs are supposed to trust each other and if ur gnna go rnd telling ppl Katie's mah acc, maybe we shan't be bffs or even friends!!! And also STOP BEING MEAN!!!' So she deleted me and blocked me... All I'm saying is she a b*tch!!!

Sunday 3 February 2013

Interviews ;D

So, Cindy knows Stardust!! Lol, I don't fink Sleepy wanted to be famous ;) Nevermind :D
Well, i my next post im gonna do some more interviews :D

Come back :))
