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Sunday 22 September 2013

Soph ily come back :'(

Today's a sad post.

I shared a blog with my BFF, dramadancewrite;
I think ://

And she's quit.

Soph... If you're reading this; I love you and I miss you;( I need you back...

Please Soph.... Com back;(

She already quit once, and recently she came back, got VIP and.. Well... Left again.

Msp won't be the same without you bunny boo ;(

Ily <3

Miss out crazy emails...

Please don't go ;(


Saturday 14 September 2013

Poodle & page views

Here yah go poodle, proof I gave yah an auto (:

Ohh, and I just wanna sayyyyyyyyy::::::

Omfg 1000 page views! Ily guys, tyssssm, I never expected 100!! Let alone 1000!!!!! Ty to everyone who looked at mah blog, your awshumXD
Who wants to trade on msp?(: lol random

Anywayyyyyy - Molly out <333333

They also changed something on the blogger app so I can't right big I'm lik fwuck off and then burst into tears noooooooo

Anyway ya byeeee<33333

Sunday 1 September 2013

Boonie bounce and new eyes :o

(Click to enlarge)      That's a pretty sexy highscore right?! And now it's in the 4 thousands! I'll post a piccy soon :D

(Click to enlarge)
Which eyes do you think look nicer? I really can't decide0-0 please tell me on msp.. Or comment here..... Thankyouuuuu (: